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Demo-center su Cyber Threat information sharing


Demo-center su Cyber Threat information sharing

To whom it is addressed: SME (Small Medium Enterprise) PSO (Public Sector Organization)

Description of service

Welcome to the Demo-center on Cyber Threat Information Sharing, which ​​​​allows you to test systems for sharing and analyzing information flows related to cyber threats.


The demo-center will make exploratory paths available which, through a series of open source and custom tools that can be used via a web interface, will guide the user to discover this world. In particular, at least 3 types of tools are available:

  1. Automatic analysis system based on OSINT flows;
  2. IOC management and sharing system;
  3. Vulnerability research system for IoT devices.

The scenarios that will be presented will be applicable to various technological areas of interest to both companies and the public administration.

(This Demo-center is currently being updated)