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Digital Maturity Assessment


Demo-center Private Blockchain

To whom it is addressed: SME (Small Medium Enterprise) PSO (Public Sector Organization)

Description of service

I-NEST offers a digital maturity assessment service for enterprises to help them identify possible areas and production processes that can be improved and made more efficient thanks to the use of digital technology and innovative technologies.

The service is highly customized: in fact, the assessment will be carried out at the company and through the administration of a questionnaire by technical personnel competent in the field of digital assessments.

Upon completion of the assessment, the company receives a report in which the strengths and weaknesses and the possible digital improvement strategies to be adopted are identified, also making use of the services offered by I-NEST.

The digital maturity assessment service is consistent and compatible with the criteria of the DMA - Digital Maturity Assessment of the European Commission, therefore it returns a picture of the company that is perfectly consistent and in line with the Union's strategies on the digital theme.