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Scheda dettaglio Dintec


Dintec scrl – Consorzio per l’Innovazione Tecnologica

Site Via Nerva 1- 00187 Roma

Partner description

Dintec was founded in 1994 focusing its activity on issues relating to technical legislation, accompanying public and private organizations in the paths of voluntary and regulated product and process certification.


Starting in 2005, it began a further specialization on the subject of industrial property, including business intelligence activities to support technology transfer between SMEs and national research institutions, also operating in close synergy with its main partners Enea and Unioncamere.


In 2010, the Company began a specialization process which sees it involved in various community initiatives and projects on issues concerning innovation and technology transfer, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.


Subsequently, from 2017 and with the birth of the Industry 4.0 Plan - then Enterprise 4.0 - Dintec was appointed by Unioncamere as the national coordinator agency of the PID network - Digital Enterprise Points of the Chambers of Commerce with the mandate to coordinate the national network of 88 PIDs and to design the wide range of services and tools to accompany companies in the digital transition and knowledge of 4.0 technologies.

What role does it have

Dintec brings to the I-NEST project all the potential of the PID network - Digital Business Points of the Chambers of Commerce, the wide range of services and tools to accompany companies in the digital transition and towards knowledge of 4.0 technologies available to the Chamber System .