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New tender notice for businesses and public administrations: the first I-NEST Investor day

Intelligenza Artificiale Sicurezza informatica Unione europea
Immagine Bando Investor day

I-NEST Consortium has published a new opportunity with the aim of identifying and supporting start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises through a financing program.

The reference topics concern the digitalisation of processes/products/services for SMEs and for the public administration with a specific focus on Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing and Cybersecurity, priority will be given to solutions that contribute to reduce environmental and social impacts. 


The tender is open to all start-ups operating in high technology and innovation sectors for companies and public administration, with particular reference to local authorities. 

The selected companies will benefit from tutoring services, support and evaluation assessment by industry experts, access to a network of investors, and, for the winner, a financial support of €8,000 is expected ! 

To read the complete announcement, find out the methods and access requirements and any other necessary information, you can click on the following link:




To participate in the call, you must complete the application on the online form available by clicking here.